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Prescribed Fire 101

An introduction to prescribed fire for residents and private landowners. Learn about what prescribed burning is and the role of fire historically vs now in shaping our forest and landscape vegetation and wildland fire. Gain knowledge of the use of prescribed fire as a tool to benefit fire safety, native plants and animal habitat, and forest health. Learn about the basics of planning and conducting a prescribed burn safely and responsibly, including writing a basic burn plan, permitting and smoke management. Hands-on activities to write burn objectives for your property, deciding what pre-burn preparations need to be done, and identification of native plant adaptations to fire. This workshop is paired with opportunities to participate in demonstration burns as weather and burning conditions allow.

What To Bring:

  • Sturdy Shoes
  • Water
  • Lunch/ snacks
  • Notebook
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Whatever you may need for an few hour class


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