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Often visitors and residents of Nevada County encounter wildlife in its native habitat. In this section you will find information to enable both human and wildlife to be good neighbors.

Local Wildlife

Out of the 694 species of animals found in the state of California, Nevada County hosts a total of 341 – 11 amphibians, 224 birds, 83 mammals, and 23 reptiles. The buttons to the right contain life history accounts and range maps that were downloaded from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) website for animals found in Nevada County. Though these life history accounts and range maps represent updated versions of the species information in the three-volume set “California’s Wildlife” (edited by Zeiner, D.C. et al 1988-1990), due to continuous observation and mitochondrial DNA analysis, new subspecies have been added and some names have changed. There are also life history accounts for more species than are found in the original publication.

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The information obtained from CDFW’s website was prepared under contract with the best available experts for various taxonomic groups. Authors and reviewers names appear on the individual life history accounts. Accounts were initially edited by Marshall White and, in later years, by California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR) Program staff with the California Department of Fish and Game. Updated dates are noted on individual life history accounts. Revision histories are also noted on individual range maps.

The life history accounts and range maps are designed to support the computerized species-habitat relationships database models in the CWHR system. The system is continually being revised. Users are encouraged to submit corrections and additional information to:

CWHR Program Coordinator
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1700 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811

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