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Min-Till Drill

May contain: outdoors, bulldozer, machine, nature, and countryside


Planning on planting or improving your pasture? Well then, our Min-Till Drill could be just the tool you need! The Min-Till Drill is an 6-foot-wide farm implement designed to get into places big drills simply can’t – like wooded areas, orchards, and vineyards.

Soil disturbance is minimal with this implement that creates a seedbed, applies seed, and firms the seed into the soil all in one pass – saving you time and money. It helps control noxious weeds (such as star thistle), decreases soil erosion, and conserves water for easier plant establishment.

Pasture can be established in one season for earlier crop production. We generally recommend using the drill in the spring for irrigated pasture and in the fall for dry-land pasture.


PLEASE NOTE: you MUST have a 35-HP tractor to us this drill, a free pre-inspection of the project by our AVP program is a requirement.


Special Requirements

Your land needs to be fairly level, large enough to turn the vehicle around, and free of rock outcroppings which damage the drill). In addition, the area to be planted should be relatively clear of previous vegetation as the drill does not cut through large clumps of grass.

Some of the benefits of the drill include: easy three-point mounting on various types of tractors; (minimum 35 HP) press wheel options to allow tailoring to various soil conditions; larger seed box reducing downtime (more acres per fill); makes seed rate changes quickly and painlessly; gives you a range of 90 to 180 lbs. of consistent down-pressure; and provides 18 different positions for accurate depth.

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